Joy In Jesus

Thoughts and Ramblings of a christian stay at home mom..Thoughts about the christian life, Reformed theology, homelife, church life, books, music... etc..!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Give Thanks

Please forgive me, those who are faithful visitors to this blog! I have been so busy!!!
But, I’m back on track now? Let’s hope so!

As I think of this week being Thanksgiving I can’t help but be very thankful for Jesus Christ. There are so many blessings that I am thankful for... but today, I want to take some time to be thankful for the GIVER of all things; for the God of my salvation, for Jesus Christ!

I can’t help but reflect this week about Jesus and Him crucified! Jesus, my Savior and King, lived a perfect life! He obeyed the law perfectly! For me, the law only points to how insufficient my greatest efforts are to obey it! The law points me to my need of a Savior, to Jesus! Jesus came to die, to die for my sins! He bore the wrath of God that belongs to me! He died. He rose from the dead! And Jesus will come again! Alleluia! Upon regeneration, the Holy Spirit made me aware of my grievous sin and God, in His kindness, brought me to repentance!!! Jesus’ righteousness was imputed to me… and by his grace through faith, I am forever saved!  And I live by faith in God that I will persevere to the end! Wow! Thank you oh God of my salvation!

Christian, if we preach that to ourselves! If we remind ourselves of that daily, maybe sometimes more than daily, how can we not fall to our knees in thanksgiving?
I am thankful for my inheritance, Jesus Christ himself! Praise be to His holy name!

May each of you take time this week and ponder and remember the gospel!

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. “  Romans 3:16

Stay tuned for more lessons God has taught me through my puppy!  (


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