Joy In Jesus

Thoughts and Ramblings of a christian stay at home mom..Thoughts about the christian life, Reformed theology, homelife, church life, books, music... etc..!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I love to sing songs of worship to God! It is a joy to honor and praise the lover of my soul, the One who saved me! It is good to sing songs of sound doctrine. My heart is always turned towards Jesus as I praise Him! One part of a song that we sing at my church, from the song, “I Will Glory In My Redeemer(Steve and Vikki Cook),” says, “ HIS faithfulness my standing place.” WoW! Do you see what it says? HIS faithfulness! God’s faithfulness, not my faithfulness… God’s faithfulness!!!

I don’t know about you, but I am not always faithful. My heart wanders; I sin; I am not always devoted to prayer… as another great hymn says, “Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love….” (Be Thou My Vision At¬trib¬ut¬ed to Dal¬lan For¬gaill, 8th Cen¬tu¬ry). When I ponder that it is GOD’S faithfulness that is my security, my standing place I am renewed in the wonder and awe of God’s grace and love and mercy! How great He is!

I found myself in the “performance mode” this week… do you know what I mean? Working in “my” strength, not by God’s grace and sufficiency.. but performing for man, concerned for “my” reputation rather than the good of another or the good of the body of Christ. I found myself in the “all about me” pattern of thought. Pride rears it's ugly head again.Ugh!

Now here is the GREAT news! Through a conversation with a friend and God’s conviction I realized what I was doing and had the opportunity to confess to God my sin and seek forgiveness from a colleague in ministry. My friend pointed out how the world says, “perform, perform, perform”… but God says, “Humble thyself” ( 1 Peter 5:6) Now, this was not my doing, nor my faithfulness that I saw this in my life. Instead, it was God’s faithfulness to sanctify me and make me more and more like Jesus that spoke to my heart.

This is good news, Christian! God WILL complete what he has begun in his elect.

“Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

What peace; what gratitude this generates; what relief! God will do it.

“Oh Lord, help me to surrender to your work in me! When my heart is hard, please soften it, help me to see my sins. Thank you for your faithfulness. Lord, I don’t have a leg to stand on but YOUR faithfulness is my standing place! Thank you so much that you never lie, that your promises are true and that your steadfast love endures forever! I praise you for your faithfulness.”

Oh Christian let this promise sink into you.. God is faithful! His faithfulness is our security!

Now, “May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.” 2 Thessalonians 3:5


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