Joy In Jesus

Thoughts and Ramblings of a christian stay at home mom..Thoughts about the christian life, Reformed theology, homelife, church life, books, music... etc..!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Poop in my room!

The other morning I received an email from a friend of mine who said her morning started out a little rough when her son Jeff woke her up to tell her that their dog, Glory, had “pooped” in his room.  She said she went in, I expect somewhat bleary-eyed, to clean it up and I assume, went back to bed until a more reasonable hour of rising for the day. I received an email later in the day from Glory’s mom saying that when she went into her son’s room later in the morning, after she had woken up and once daylight was upon them, she realized she hadn’t really cleaned up the “poop” as well as she had thought and proceeded, I expect, to give that area a thorough cleaning. I chuckled a bit as I read her email and then God showed me how my sin is like Glory’s poop in Jeff’s room.

Glory’s poop in Jeff’s room is very similar to sins in my life! There are days when I will awaken to the smell of “poop” in my life… okay.. Actually let me call it what it really is: SIN!  Sin in my life is far smellier and far more dangerous than poop. Poop may be offensive to our noses, and unhealthy for us to be around for long… BUT WORSE our sin is offensive to a holy God! So, what is it that I do with that sin in my life when it’s odorous presence is made known to me? (

Clean it up! I have to clean it up! Okay.. This analogy only takes us so far… but truthfully, what sin/sins wake you up with it’s odor? What sin does the Holy Spirit bring to your mind that kind of lingers, you thought you cleaned it up but when God shines His light on your life you realize it’s still there? Is it is gossip or a critical spirit? How about sharp or harsh words to a family member or a co-worker? Is it telling “white lies” or yelling at the crazy driver in front of you on the way to work?

I praise God because he does provide a way for us to clean up our sins.

At this point, let me say that I praise God that He saved me. I praise God that Jesus is my Lord and Savior and that Jesus paid the price for my sins. Jesus bore the wrath of God that was meant for me! Could there be better news??? I am saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Wow! However, the reality is that although I am saved and God took care of the problem that my sin causes.. I still sin!  The truth is I am being changed daily, I am being sanctified…. but.. I still sin..
Praise God that I am no longer a slave to sin, the bible tells me I am now a slave to righteousness. I no longer HAVE to sin.. But I still do! The question that Glory’s poop brought to my mind is,” Why, when I see the sin, do I go in bleary eyed, semi-clean it up and go back to bed, then when the same sin pops up later on, why do I wonder why? Why do I still smell the poop?”

When God brings to mind a sin .. First off CONFESS it as sin to God! Admit that you have sinned not only against a person but mostly that you have sinned against GOD, Himself!
Then repent… turn away from that sin! Ask God to help you fight this sin. Fight it by removing yourself from situations that may cause this sin, or ask God to change your heart so when you are in a situation that you might sin in, you can choose not to. It’s not a matter of “making up your mind” so much as it is a matter of surrendering to God and asking him to help you to overcome this sin.

I have an example from my own life….  For years a close friend of mine has accused me of being critical of her… each accusation brought about cries of innocence from me…  this has literally gone on for years! Each time, I would go before God and say something to the effect of, “IF I’m being critical, please forgive me… help “her” to see that I’m not.” Hahaha.. I know I know… how could I be so arrogant? Well, that’s what sin is, isn’t it? Last week, I realized there was still some poop in my room as I was again confronted by my friend of my critical spirit! This time, by the grace of God, I went to Him and said, “Show me where I am being critical.” ….. Ummmm… He showed me. BOY DID HE SHOW ME!  I then confessed my sin to God, repented and went to my friend and asked for forgiveness. I literally feel different now with my interactions with her… to be critical doesn’t even occur  me! How great is our God to show me my sin and then through confession and repentance I am cleansed. How great the grace and mercy of God..  Now, I am so much more aware of how I can be critical and with God I can make sure the poop is cleaned up!

Will I still be critical? I’m sure…I don’t want to be, but I may be. I love this quote from John Newton, the author of the favorite hymn of many people, Amazing Grace. He once said:

"I am not what I ought to be.I am not what I wish to be.I am not even what I hope to be.But, by the Cross of Christ,I am not what I was."

Amen? I encourage each one of us to pay attention when God shows us sin in our life… the Bible says in 1 John 1:8-9 “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Thanks to God, and to my friend’s dog Glory for reminding me to take care of the poop!


  • At 5:11 PM, Blogger diane boucher said…

    Thanks Heather! I appreciate your comment! I hope you are doing well..haha.. I love that you are fiesty! I will be posting several times a week! Check it out! :)


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